Is not just a destination; it's an immersive experience that celebrates the profound connection forged between these majestic creatures and us. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of the equestrian world, you'll discover the art of trust, the language of understanding, and the joy of shared journeys.
Vidovdan 2024 promises to be a vibrant showcase of Serbian traditions, music, and culinary delights. The event will also feature traditional Serbian music and dance performances, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Serbia.
Mark your calendars for this exciting event, set to take place on June 8th at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, located at 6085 Montrose Road.
It is my honour to introduce our new Parish Priest and his Family to our St George Church Community - Reverand Stanko Antic, Popadija Suzana, Daughter Julia and Sons Uros, Aleksej & Todor.
Част ми је да нашој црквеној заједници представим нашег новог пароха и његову породицу: Свештеника Станка Антића, Попадију Сузану, ћерку Јулију и синове Уроша, Алексеја и Тодора. Отац Станко ће своју прву свету литургију служити у недељу 15. септембра 2024. године у 10 часова. Молимо Вас да нам се придружите у недељу да их све дочекамо са хришћанском љубављу.