Ways to Help

Church Services: Assist with preparations, ushering, and various tasks during our church services.
Event Support: Help organize, set up, and manage events such as our Fish Fry, Bull Roast, Vidovdan celebration, and other community gatherings.
Hall Maintenance: Contribute to the upkeep and beautification of our brand new hall, ensuring it remains a welcoming space for all.
Groundskeeping: Participate in maintaining the church grounds, including gardening, landscaping, and general outdoor care.
Cooking: Join our kitchen team to prepare and serve meals for our annual Fish Fry event series that takes place in the autumn and winter.

How to get involved

If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to us via email, phone, or visit the church office for more information. We appreciate any time you can give, whether it's a few hours a week or assistance with specific events.


Send us an email at volunteer@stgeorgechurch.com and include where you would like to help in your message.


Send us an email at volunteer@stgeorgechurch.com and include where you would like to help in your message.